2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Blake's ZSH configuration file
BIG UPDATE: shell: add profile, move calc and mkcd to files, move
shell-independent config (aliases, functions, env vars, options) to
.config/shell/shrc, make bashrc and zshrc use the same shrc, add TTY
detection for changing caps lock to escape in a TTY, add option for
skipping plugin loading, and maybe a few other things
If this goes well, I'll be tempted to call this version 1.0. Things
have been very stable for the last few months. Although, since it's the
first really big change in a while, that might make it version 2.0?
Should dotfiles have big version numbers at all? Probably not.
2022-04-08 13:36:29 -07:00
# Just in case
export SHELL_CONFIG_DIR="${SHELL_CONFIG_DIR:-"${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-"$HOME/.config"}/shell"}"
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
BIG UPDATE: shell: add profile, move calc and mkcd to files, move
shell-independent config (aliases, functions, env vars, options) to
.config/shell/shrc, make bashrc and zshrc use the same shrc, add TTY
detection for changing caps lock to escape in a TTY, add option for
skipping plugin loading, and maybe a few other things
If this goes well, I'll be tempted to call this version 1.0. Things
have been very stable for the last few months. Although, since it's the
first really big change in a while, that might make it version 2.0?
Should dotfiles have big version numbers at all? Probably not.
2022-04-08 13:36:29 -07:00
# Source standard shell configuration
[ -f "$SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/shrc" ] && source "$SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/shrc"
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
### Plugins >>>
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
${SKIP_PLUGINS:-false} || {
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# Load zinit >>>
# Install zinit if not installed
2021-12-07 15:17:17 -08:00
if [[ ! -f "$ZINIT_HOME_DIR/bin/zinit.zsh" ]]; then
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{220}Installing %F{33}DHARMA%F{220} Initiative Plugin Manager (%F{33}zdharma-continuum/zinit%F{220})…%f"
2021-12-07 15:17:17 -08:00
command mkdir -p "$ZINIT_HOME_DIR" && command chmod g-rwX "$ZINIT_HOME_DIR"
command git clone https://github.com/zdharma-continuum/zinit "$ZINIT_HOME_DIR/bin" && \
2022-08-19 23:52:14 -07:00
print -P "%F{33}▓▒░ %F{34}Installation successful.%f%b\n\nPlease wait while plugins install." || \
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
print -P "%F{160}▓▒░ The clone has failed.%f%b"
2022-06-22 00:49:33 -07:00
elif [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then
source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh"
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# Source zinit
2021-12-07 15:17:17 -08:00
source "$ZINIT_HOME_DIR/bin/zinit.zsh"
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
autoload -Uz _zinit
(( ${+_comps} )) && _comps[zinit]=_zinit
# Load a few important annexes, without Turbo
# (this is currently required for annexes)
zinit light-mode for \
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
zdharma-continuum/z-a-rust \
zdharma-continuum/z-a-as-monitor \
zdharma-continuum/z-a-patch-dl \
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# <<<
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Load plugins >>>
# shellcheck disable=SC2262,SC2016
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
2021-12-16 14:37:51 -08:00
# set turbo mode and git clone depth for all plugins
alias zinit='ice wait"!0" depth"1";zinit'
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Special history options
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
zinit snippet OMZ::lib/history.zsh
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Some better completion options (waiting dots, etc)
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
zinit snippet OMZ::lib/completion.zsh
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Terminal titling
zinit snippet OMZ::lib/termsupport.zsh
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# Quality of life
zinit load "zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions"
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
zinit load "zdharma-continuum/fast-syntax-highlighting"
2021-08-27 11:10:13 -07:00
zinit load "jeffreytse/zsh-vi-mode"
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
zinit load "zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search"
zinit load "zsh-users/zsh-completions"
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
## Theme
2021-09-15 00:55:59 -07:00
# terminal colors
2022-06-25 16:50:35 -07:00
[ -f "$SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/colors.sh" ] ||
zinit snippet 'https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell/blob/master/scripts/base16-onedark.sh'
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# LS Colors
2021-09-06 17:55:39 -07:00
zinit ice atclone"dircolors -b ./src/dir_colors > colors.zsh" \
atpull'%atclone' pick"colors.zsh" nocompile'!' \
atload'zstyle ":completion:*" list-colors “${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}”'
zinit light arcticicestudio/nord-dircolors
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# prompt
zinit load "romkatv/powerlevel10k"
2022-09-17 20:00:47 -07:00
"${SKIP_P10K_THEME:-false}" || careful_source "$P10K_CONFIG_LOCATION" \
"No p10k theme selected. Please use \`p10k configure\` to make one or select an existing one like this:
ln -s $SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/p10k/colorful-angular.p10k.zsh $SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/p10k/current
Set the SKIP_P10K_THEME environment variable to 'true' or make a configuration to disable this warning" $LINENO
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# clear plugin options set at the start of this block
2021-11-02 21:08:56 -07:00
unalias zinit
2021-12-16 14:37:51 -08:00
2022-06-25 16:50:35 -07:00
# (safely) delete a bunch of aliases I don't use
unaliases() { for A in "$@";do alias "$A" > /dev/null && unalias "$A"; done; }
unaliases zi zpl zini zplg which-command run-help fsh-alias
unset -f unaliases
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# <<<
# <<<
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
### ZSH-specific configuration >>>
2021-10-17 01:30:45 -07:00
# This section is (mostly) From manjaro's "manjaro-zsh-config" (/usr/share/zsh/manjaro-zsh-config)
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
[ -z "$HISTFILE" ] && HISTFILE="$HOME/.zsh_history"
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
## ZSH Options >>>
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# setopt correct # Auto correct mistakes
setopt extendedglob # Extended globbing. Allows using regular expressions with *
2021-11-01 10:58:48 -07:00
[ -z "$TERMUX_VERSION" ] &&
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
setopt nocaseglob # Case insensitive globbing (and fix for termux)
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
setopt rcexpandparam # Array expension with parameters
setopt checkjobs # Warn about running processes when exiting
setopt numericglobsort # Sort filenames numerically when it makes sense
setopt nobeep # Most important option
setopt appendhistory # Immediately append history instead of overwriting
setopt inc_append_history # save commands are added to the history immediately, otherwise only when shell exits.
setopt histfindnodups # If a new command is a duplicate, remove the older one
setopt histignorealldups # If a new command is a duplicate, remove the older one
setopt autocd # if only directory path is entered, cd there.
setopt interactive_comments # allow typing comments in line
setopt no_rm_star_silent # Ensure the user wants to execute 'rm *'
setopt rm_star_wait # Wait before accepting 'rm *' or 'rm /path/*'
setopt short_loops # allow things like 'if [ 1=1 ] { echo "okay"}' < https://zsh.sourceforge.io/Doc/Release/Shell-Grammar.html#Alternate-Forms-For-Complex-Commands
setopt pipe_fail # When a pipe fails, show the non-0 exit code for the exit code
# <<<
## ZSH Completion Options >>>
# Mine
2021-11-06 19:48:31 -07:00
# zstyle ':completion:*' completer _expand _complete _ignored _prefix
# zstyle ':completion:*' expand prefix suffix
# zstyle ':completion:*' file-sort access
# zstyle ':completion:*' ignore-parents parent pwd directory
# zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}
# zstyle ':completion:*' list-prompt %SAt %p: Hit TAB for more, or the character to insert%s
# zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}' 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' 'r:|[._-]=** r:|=**'
# zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=long
# zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt %SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s
# zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/blake/.zshrc'
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# Manjaro's
2021-11-06 19:48:31 -07:00
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' # Case insensitive tab completion
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors "${(s.:.)LS_COLORS}" # Colored completion (different colors for dirs/files/etc)
zstyle ':completion:*' rehash true # automatically find new executables in path
# Speed up completions
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
zstyle ':completion:*' accept-exact '*(N)'
zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path "$ZSH_CACHE_DIR"
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
WORDCHARS=${WORDCHARS//\/[&.;]} # Don't consider certain characters part of the word
# <<<
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
## Keybinds >>>
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
bindkey -v # Enable Vi mode
bindkey '^[[7~' beginning-of-line # Home key
bindkey '^[[H' beginning-of-line # Home key
if [[ "${terminfo[khome]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[khome]}" beginning-of-line # [Home] - Go to beginning of line
bindkey '^[[8~' end-of-line # End key
bindkey '^[[F' end-of-line # End key
if [[ "${terminfo[kend]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kend]}" end-of-line # [End] - Go to end of line
bindkey '^[[2~' overwrite-mode # Insert key
bindkey '^[[3~' delete-char # Delete key
bindkey '^[[C' forward-char # Right key
bindkey '^[[D' backward-char # Left key
bindkey '^[[5~' history-beginning-search-backward # Page up key
bindkey '^[[6~' history-beginning-search-forward # Page down key
# Navigate words with ctrl+arrow keys
bindkey '^[Oc' forward-word #
bindkey '^[Od' backward-word #
bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word #
bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word #
2021-09-15 00:45:59 -07:00
# Delete words with ctrl+bksp/del
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
bindkey '^H' backward-kill-word # delete previous word with ctrl+backspace
bindkey '^[[3;5~' kill-word # delete next word with ctrl+delete
bindkey '^[[Z' undo # Shift+tab undo last action
# bind UP and DOWN arrow keys to history substring search
zmodload zsh/terminfo
2021-09-15 00:45:59 -07:00
# bindkey "$terminfo[kcuu1]" history-substring-search-up
# bindkey "$terminfo[kcud1]" history-substring-search-down
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
bindkey '^[[A' history-substring-search-up
bindkey '^[[B' history-substring-search-down
bindkey -M vicmd 'k' history-substring-search-up
bindkey -M vicmd 'j' history-substring-search-down
# <<<
2021-08-12 01:25:33 -07:00
# Colors and compinit >>>
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;32m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;32m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;47;34m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'
export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[01;36m'
export LESS=-R
2021-08-12 01:25:33 -07:00
autoload -U compinit colors zcalc
2021-11-01 10:58:48 -07:00
compinit -d
2021-08-12 01:25:33 -07:00
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# <<<
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
# auto save and load working dir (allow `cd -` on start) >>>
# Load the last working directory
load_working_dir() {
# load the directory (and do validation to make sure it's actually a directory)
if test -f "$WORKING_DIR_SAVE_FILE"; then
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
if test -d "$(cat "$WORKING_DIR_SAVE_FILE")"; then
2021-10-17 02:17:02 -07:00
echo "Invalid saved working directory ($PREVIOUS_WORKING_DIR)" > /dev/null
return 1
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
2021-10-17 02:17:02 -07:00
echo "Invalid working directory save file ($WORKING_DIR_SAVE_FILE)" > /dev/null
return 1
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
2022-08-29 12:17:46 -07:00
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
save_working_dir() {
2022-08-29 12:17:46 -07:00
if [ "$(pwd)" != "$SWD_INITIAL_WORKING_DIR" ]; then
2021-12-16 03:33:18 -08:00
2021-10-17 01:20:04 -07:00
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook chpwd save_working_dir
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# shellchek disable=SC2164
2022-05-22 08:42:16 -07:00
load_working_dir && cd - > /dev/null || true
2021-11-21 19:53:47 -08:00
# Case insensitive globbing (fix for termux)
2022-03-03 13:41:12 -08:00
[ -n "$TERMUX_VERSION" ] && (setopt nocaseglob; zstyle ':completion:*' path-completion true)
2021-11-01 10:58:48 -07:00
2021-10-16 18:27:49 -07:00
# <<<
2021-08-07 21:24:26 -07:00
# <<<
2022-03-18 17:50:20 -07:00
# Optionally source another zshrc
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
${SKIP_LOCAL_ZSHRC:-false} || careful_source "$SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/local/zshrc"
2021-09-16 02:24:30 -07:00
2022-04-06 13:08:42 -07:00
# vim:fdm=marker:fmr=>>>,<<<:et:ft=bash:sw=3:ts=3