From 53d724638176d3db40e106c8ab39977a800a7842 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: PowerUser64 <>
Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 23:24:33 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] nvim: better nvimtree keybinds

TODO: add a bind to open it
 .config/nvim/lua/blake/other.lua    | 124 ++++++++++++++++------------
 .config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua  |   6 --
 .config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua |   1 +
 3 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 60 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/other.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/other.lua
index b78b1b5..78d47d4 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/other.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/other.lua
@@ -3,40 +3,76 @@ local M = {}
 -- nvimtree >>>
 M.nvimtree = function ()
    local tree_cb = require'nvim-tree.config'.nvim_tree_callback
-   -- default mappings
-   vim.g.nvim_tree_bindings = {
-      { key = {"<CR>", "o", "<2-LeftMouse>"}, cb = tree_cb("edit") },
-      { key = {"<2-RightMouse>", "<C-]>"},    cb = tree_cb("cd") },
-      { key = "<C-v>",                        cb = tree_cb("vsplit") },
-      { key = "<C-x>",                        cb = tree_cb("split") },
-      { key = "<C-t>",                        cb = tree_cb("tabnew") },
-      { key = "<",                            cb = tree_cb("prev_sibling") },
-      { key = ">",                            cb = tree_cb("next_sibling") },
-      { key = "P",                            cb = tree_cb("parent_node") },
-      { key = "<BS>",                         cb = tree_cb("close_node") },
-      { key = "<S-CR>",                       cb = tree_cb("close_node") },
-      { key = "<Tab>",                        cb = tree_cb("preview") },
-      { key = "K",                            cb = tree_cb("first_sibling") },
-      { key = "J",                            cb = tree_cb("last_sibling") },
-      { key = "I",                            cb = tree_cb("toggle_ignored") },
-      { key = "H",                            cb = tree_cb("toggle_dotfiles") },
-      { key = "R",                            cb = tree_cb("refresh") },
-      { key = "a",                            cb = tree_cb("create") },
-      { key = "d",                            cb = tree_cb("remove") },
-      { key = "r",                            cb = tree_cb("rename") },
-      { key = "<C-r>",                        cb = tree_cb("full_rename") },
-      { key = "x",                            cb = tree_cb("cut") },
-      { key = "c",                            cb = tree_cb("copy") },
-      { key = "p",                            cb = tree_cb("paste") },
-      { key = "y",                            cb = tree_cb("copy_name") },
-      { key = "Y",                            cb = tree_cb("copy_path") },
-      { key = "gy",                           cb = tree_cb("copy_absolute_path") },
-      { key = "[c",                           cb = tree_cb("prev_git_item") },
-      { key = "]c",                           cb = tree_cb("next_git_item") },
-      { key = "-",                            cb = tree_cb("dir_up") },
-      { key = "s",                            cb = tree_cb("system_open") },
-      { key = "q",                            cb = tree_cb("close") },
-      { key = "g?",                           cb = tree_cb("toggle_help") },
+   -- mappings
+   -- [[
+   local list = {
+      { key = {"<CR>", "<2-LeftMouse>", "zo", "l"},   cb = tree_cb("edit") },
+      { key = "J",                                    cb = tree_cb("cd") },
+      { key = "K",                                    cb = tree_cb("dir_up") },
+      { key = "vs",                                   cb = tree_cb("vsplit") },
+      { key = "sp",                                   cb = tree_cb("split") },
+      { key = "<C-t>",                                cb = tree_cb("tabnew") },
+      { key = "<",                                    cb = tree_cb("prev_sibling") },
+      { key = ">",                                    cb = tree_cb("next_sibling") },
+      { key = "<M-lt>",                               cb = tree_cb("first_sibling") },
+      { key = "<M->>",                                cb = tree_cb("last_sibling") },
+      { key = "P",                                    cb = tree_cb("parent_node") },
+      { key = {"<BS>", "h", "zc"},                    cb = tree_cb("close_node") },
+      { key = "<S-CR>",                               cb = tree_cb("close_node") },
+      { key = "<Tab>",                                cb = tree_cb("preview") },
+      { key = "I",                                    cb = tree_cb("toggle_ignored") },
+      { key = "H",                                    cb = tree_cb("toggle_dotfiles") },
+      { key = "R",                                    cb = tree_cb("refresh") },
+      { key = "o",                                    cb = tree_cb("create") },
+      { key = "d",                                    cb = tree_cb("remove") },
+      { key = "r",                                    cb = tree_cb("rename") },
+      { key = "<C-r>",                                cb = tree_cb("full_rename") },
+      { key = "x",                                    cb = tree_cb("cut") },
+      { key = "c",                                    cb = tree_cb("copy") },
+      { key = "p",                                    cb = tree_cb("paste") },
+      { key = "y",                                    cb = tree_cb("copy_name") },
+      { key = "Y",                                    cb = tree_cb("copy_path") },
+      { key = "gy",                                   cb = tree_cb("copy_absolute_path") },
+      { key = "g[",                                   cb = tree_cb("prev_git_item") },
+      { key = "g]",                                   cb = tree_cb("next_git_item") },
+      { key = "s",                                    cb = tree_cb("system_open") },
+      { key = "q",                                    cb = tree_cb("close") },
+      { key = "g?",                                   cb = tree_cb("toggle_help") },
+   }
+   -- ]]
+   require'nvim-tree'.setup {
+      disable_netrw       = true,
+      hijack_netrw        = true,
+      open_on_setup       = false,
+      ignore_ft_on_setup  = {},
+      update_to_buf_dir   = {
+         enable = true,
+         auto_open = true,
+      },
+      auto_close          = false,
+      open_on_tab         = false,
+      hijack_cursor       = false,
+      update_cwd          = false,
+      lsp_diagnostics     = false,
+      update_focused_file = {
+         enable      = false,
+         update_cwd  = false,
+         ignore_list = {}
+      },
+      system_open = {
+         cmd  = nil,
+         args = {}
+      },
+      view = {
+         width = 30,
+         height = 30,
+         side = 'left',
+         auto_resize = false,
+         mappings = {
+            custom_only = false,
+            list = {}
+         }
+      }
 end -- <<<
@@ -186,26 +222,6 @@ M.autosession = function()
    vim.cmd 'command! SessionRestore RestoreSession'
 end -- <<<
--- due: TODAY >>>
-M.due = function()
-   require('due_nvim').setup {
-      prescript = 'due: ',             -- prescript to due data
-      prescript_hi = 'Comment',        -- highlight group of it
-      due_hi = 'String',               -- highlight group of the data itself
-      ft = '*.sh',                     -- filename template to apply aucmds :)
-      today = 'TODAY',                 -- text for today's due
-      today_hi = 'Character',          -- highlight group of today's due
-      overdue = 'OVERDUE',             -- text for overdued
-      overdue_hi = 'Error',            -- highlight group of overdued
-      date_hi = 'Conceal',             -- highlight group of date string
-      pattern_start = '<',             -- start for a date string pattern
-      pattern_end = '>',               -- end for a date string pattern
-      use_clock_time = false,          -- allow due.nvim to calculate hours, minutes, and seconds
-      default_due_time = "midnight",   -- if use_clock_time == true, calculate time until option on specified date. 
-                                       -- ^ Accepts "midnight", for 23:59:59, or noon, for 12:00:00
-   }
-end -- <<<
 return M
 -- vim:fdm=marker:fmr=>>>,<<<:expandtab:tabstop=3:sw=3
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua
index 09e9a27..6b52cc9 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua
@@ -183,12 +183,6 @@ return require('packer').startup(function()
    use {                                           -- tpope: Repeatability for various tpope plugins
-   use {                                           -- displays 'due: 2d 5h 3m' if there is a date (<12-25>) on the line
-      'NFrid/due.nvim',
-      config = function()
-         require('blake.other').due()
-      end
-   }
diff --git a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua
index 37bca11..d084d61 100644
--- a/.config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua
+++ b/.config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua
@@ -153,3 +153,4 @@ vim.cmd [[
    au InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
    au BufWinLeave * call clearmatches()