nvim: configure zenmode

This commit is contained in:
PowerUser64 2022-01-20 03:16:39 -08:00
parent 61fee7bacd
commit 696bda73c7
2 changed files with 49 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -169,6 +169,54 @@ M.neoscroll = function()
end end
-- <<< -- <<<
-- ZenMode >>>
M.zenmode = function()
-- map :ZM to :ZenMode
vim.cmd 'command! ZM ZenMode'
require("zen-mode").setup {
window = {
backdrop = 0.95, -- shade the backdrop of the Zen window. Set to 1 to keep the same as Normal
-- height and width can be:
-- * an absolute number of cells when > 1
-- * a percentage of the width / height of the editor when <= 1
-- * a function that returns the width or the height
width = 120, -- width of the Zen window
height = 0.95, -- height of the Zen window
-- by default, no options are changed for the Zen window
-- uncomment any of the options below, or add other vim.wo options you want to apply
options = { -- uncomment to do what the sign says
-- signcolumn = "no", -- signcolumn
number = false, -- number column
-- relativenumber = false, -- relative numbers
-- cursorline = false, -- cursorline
cursorcolumn = false, -- cursor column
-- foldcolumn = "0", -- fold column
-- list = false, -- whitespace characters
plugins = {
-- disable some global vim options (vim.o...)
-- comment the lines to not apply the options
options = {
enabled = true,
ruler = false, -- disables the ruler text in the cmd line area
showcmd = false, -- disables the command in the last line of the screen
twilight = { enabled = true }, -- enable to start Twilight when zen mode opens
gitsigns = { enabled = true }, -- disables git signs
tmux = { enabled = false }, -- disables the tmux statusline
-- Functions I could write but I'm probably not going to use
-- -- callback where you can add custom code when the Zen window opens
-- on_open = function(win)
-- end,
-- -- callback where you can add custom code when the Zen window closes
-- on_close = function()
-- end,
-- <<<
-- Autosession >>> -- Autosession >>>
M.autosession = function() M.autosession = function()
local opts = { local opts = {

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@ -206,8 +206,7 @@ return require('packer').startup({function()
use { -- Zen mode (:ZenMode or :ZM) use { -- Zen mode (:ZenMode or :ZM)
"folke/zen-mode.nvim", "folke/zen-mode.nvim",
config = function() config = function()
vim.cmd 'command! ZM ZenMode' require('blake.other').zenmode()
end, end,
} }
use { -- dim text outside paragraph or function use { -- dim text outside paragraph or function