
# a simple way to manage your todo list
# Usage:
#  todo                    -- pull latest repo version and edit ~/todo
#  todo [any git command]  -- manage todo for easy syncing, assuming ~/todo is
#                                a symlink that points to a file in a git repo
# Suggested use: make a git repo for holding your todo list, then make
# a symlink called 'todo' that points to your todo list in your home directory

todo_dir="$(dirname "$(realpath ~/todo)")"
todo_file="$(realpath ~/todo)"
if [ -z "$@" ];then
   ( # subshell to protect against directory changes
   cd "$todo_dir"

      # pull the latest commits
      git rev-parse &&
         git pull

      # open the file
      "$EDITOR" "$todo_file"

      # commit and push the file if it's in a git repo and the file has changed
      if git rev-parse && ! git diff --exit-code "$todo_file"; then
         git commit "$todo_file" -m 'todo' &&
            git push

elif [ "$@" = "cd" ]; then
   cd "$todo_dir"

   git -C "$todo_dir" $@
