## Short hand programs (ex: sc = shellcheck) >>>
# use nvim rather than vim if the command exists
alias                \
   vimdiff='nvim -d' \

alias sd=sudo

alias               \
   vv='$EDITOR'     \
   e='$EDITOR'      \
   svv='sudoedit'   \

# I do this too much by accident smh my head
alias        \
   :q='exit' \
   q='exit'  \

# rmdir is long
alias          \
   rmd='rmdir' \
   rd='rmdir'  \

# opt for trash-cli over rm
if command -v trash > /dev/null; then
   alias rm=trash

alias                    \
   mkd="mkdir -p"        \
   g=git                 \
   smctl='sudo systemctl' \

# <<<
## Program improvements (ex: ls = ls -h) >>>
alias sudo='sudo VISUAL="$VISUAL" SYSTEMD_EDITOR="$SYSTEMD_EDITOR" '      # allow using aliases in sudo commands and add some env vars
alias df='df -h'        # Human-readable sizes
alias free='free -m'    # Show sizes in MB
alias bc='bc -ql'       # Make bc usable for fast math
[ -z "$VIMRUNTIME" ] &&
   alias glow='glow -p' # force Glow to preview with `less` if not in vim

# I hate it when I get ghost script instead of git status
alias gs='echo "you don'\''t $(tput sitm)really$(tput sgr0) want ghost script now, do you?"'

# tell make to use all cpu cores
alias make='make -j$(nproc)'

# Colors
alias                                                 \
   ls='ls -hN --color=auto --group-directories-first' \
   grep='grep --color=auto'                           \
   egrep='egrep --color=auto'                         \
   fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'                         \
   diff='diff --color=auto'                           \
   pacman='pacman --color=auto'                       \
   alias ip='ip -color=auto'                          \

# super duper paru alias
# shellcheck disable=SC2139
command -v paru > /dev/null && alias                                                                           \
   parue='\paru --color=auto --sudoloop --newsonupgrade --pgpfetch --upgrademenu --bottomup --fm nvim' \
   paru='parue --skipreview'                                                                                   \

# TODO: make sure IS_TTY is set to a value in the env file, in case the profile is not installed.
if command -v lsd > /dev/null && ! ${IS_TTY:-false}; then
   alias ls=lsd
   alias lsd='lsd --group-dirs=first'

# <<<
## Mini short-hand scripts (ex: glone = git clone) >>>
# dotfile management
alias dot='git --git-dir="$HOME/git/dotfiles" --work-tree="$HOME"'
alias   d='git --git-dir="$HOME/git/dotfiles" --work-tree="$HOME"' # duplicate for auto-complete

# quicker shutdown
alias sdn='shutdown now'

# open a new session called 0, but if there is already a session called 0, connect to it
alias tm='tmux new -As0'

# List available X displays. Useful for finding what display to export when connected over ssh.
alias lsx='ls /tmp/.X11-unix | tr "X" ":"'

# Make ydotool actually usable for short things
alias ydotool='(sudo ydotoold &) && sleep 0.05 && sudo ydotool'

# Update zinit and plugins
alias zup='zinit self-update && zinit update --parallel'

# Run PackerSync in neovim with PS
alias PS='nvim --headless -c "autocmd User PackerComplete quitall" -c "PackerSync"'

# Edit config files
alias                                                         \
   zc='$EDITOR ~/.zshrc'                                      \
   sc='$EDITOR $SHELL_CONFIG_DIR/shrc'                        \
   fstab='sudoedit /etc/fstab'                                \
   histe='$EDITOR $HISTFILE'                                  \

# Get me to my code faster
[ -n "$C" ] && alias cdc='cd "$C" && source ../bin/utils.bashrc'

# Git cLONE
alias glone="git clone"

# Docker
alias                                                     \
   logs='docker-compose logs --tail=200 -f'               \
   dupd='docker-compose up -d'                            \
   ddwn='docker-compose down'                             \
   dc='docker-compose'                                    \
   occ='docker exec -u www-data nextcloud php occ --ansi' \

# file copying with a progress bar
alias cpv="rsync -ah --info=progress2"

# lists all open ports, along with some other info
alias ls-ports='netstat -tulpn'

# list all disks and their mount points
# shellcheck disable=SC2142
alias mnt="mount | awk -F' ' '{ printf \"%s\t%s\n\",\$1,\$3; }' | column -t | grep -E '^/dev/' | sort"

# backs up list of packages
alias packback='comm -23 <(paru -Qqett | sort) <(paru -Qqg base -g base-devel | sort | uniq) > ~/pkglist.txt'

# thoroughly reset the terminal
alias rce='reset && clear && exec zsh'

# find pretty much any file, quickly
alias fds='fd --hidden --exclude /run'

# smart plug things
alias light='tplink_smartplug.py -t $SMART_PLUG_IP -c'

# Common ls aliases
alias            \
   l='ls'        \
   la='ls -ah'   \
   ll='ls -lh'   \
   lla='ls -lah' \
# <<<

# vim:fdm=marker:fmr=>>>,<<<:fdl=1:et:ft=bash:sw=3:ts=3