-- Blake's neovim rc file -- plugins and plugin settings: ~/.config/nvim/lua/blake/plugins.lua require('blake.plugins') -- basic settings: ~/.config/nvim/lua/blake/settings.lua require('blake.settings') -- TODO: -- Make plugins more modular -- - Have a file with toggles for all plugins -- - If a plugin toggle is off, -- - the configuration for it should not be run, -- - and the plugin should not be loaded -- Downsides: -- - requires me to add the plugin in two places (one in the plugin list, and again in the toggle list) -- OR -- - Find out how to get a list of loaded plugins -- - Load the configuration for each plugin -- Downsides: -- - May not be plugin manager-independent -- OR -- - Create a file for each plugin that requires configuration and load them from their own files. -- - I think this would be the most modular approach, as it would make my config more independent specific plugin managers. -- Downsides: -- - Lots of files (could be a good thing) -- OR -- - Make a list of plugins ('tpope/surround' style) -- - load all plugins using whatever plugin manager in a for loop -- - in the for loop, optionally load the configuration for each plugin based on its name -- Downsides: -- - Hardest (requires me to make a for loop, and I don't know lua) -- - Doesn't take advantage of advanced plugin manager features (ex: dependencies) -- Plugins to get: -- https://github.com/glepnir/mcc.nvim -- https://github.com/glepnir/lspsaga.nvim -- https://github.com/glepnir/template.nvim -- https://github.com/glepnir/dashboard-nvim -- -- Plugins to check out: -- https://github.com/glepnir/indent-guides.nvim -- https://github.com/glepnir/coman.nvim