# this script will install the dotfiles from the target git repository, and back up any conflicting files
# credit for this idea and basic script outline goes to https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/dotfiles

# TODO: make it so like 31 (DOTFILES_BACKUP_LIST) can handle spaces

DOTFILES_BACKUP_DIR="$HOME/.dotfiles-backup" # cannot contain the character '#'

set -e

# check for the git command and exit if it doesn't exist
if ! command -v git > /dev/null;then
   echo 'git is not installed or could not be found in $PATH, please install git to proceed'
   exit 1


dot() {
   git --git-dir="$DOTFILES_REPO_DIR" --work-tree="$HOME" "$@"

# remove the '&> /dev/null' part if things don't seem to work right
if dot checkout > /dev/null 2>&1; then
   echo "Checked out dotfiles."
   echo "Backing up pre-existing dotfiles."
   # get the list of files that need to be backed up
   DOTFILES_BACKUP_LIST=($(dot checkout 2>&1 | grep -Po "(?<=\t)(.*)$"))
   # create directories for everything that needs one 
   mkdir -p "$DOTFILES_BACKUP_DIR" $(printf '%s\n' "${DOTFILES_BACKUP_LIST[@]}" | grep -Po '.*/' | sed "s#.*#$DOTFILES_BACKUP_DIR/&#g")
   # backup the files to avoid them being overwritten
   printf '%s\n' "${DOTFILES_BACKUP_LIST[@]}" | xargs -I{} mv "$HOME"/{} "$DOTFILES_BACKUP_DIR"/{}

dot checkout
dot config status.showUntrackedFiles no