#!/bin/bash # Simple script for compiling/converting documents with pandoc because I can never remember how to use it # Usage: # pandoc-make html *.md usage() { cat <<-EOF Usage: $0 [output_type] [input_files] Examples: $0 pdf *.md $0 .docx *.md # leading .'s are automatically removed from the output name EOF } if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage && exit 1 fi if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "error: no files specified" usage && exit 1 fi FORMAT="$1" SKIP_FIRST=true for FILE in "$@";do $SKIP_FIRST && SKIP_FIRST=false && continue if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then pandoc -s "$FILE" -o "${FILE%.*}.${FORMAT##.}" fi done # vim:et ts=3 sw=3