#!/bin/bash # Requires: urlencode # if you need this, I am using dead10ck/urlencode (`cargo install urlencode`) # usage: sitepath <path to file> # usage: sitepath <file to find> # usage: sitepath # usage: sitepath <fd commands> -- you can search with 'fd' if you put in a command BASE_URL="https://blakenorth.net" SITE_DIR="/home/blake/docker/blakenorth.net/site" SEPERATOR='~' # Make this a character you don't use in filenames. It's for sed. # account for if there is no urlencode command URLENCODE=urlencode if ! command -v urlencode > /dev/null 2>&1;then URLENCODE=cat fi # If there is no input, make the input the current directory [ -z ${1+x} ] && set -- "$(pwd)" FILEPATH="$( ([ -e "$1" ] && readlink -f "$1") || fd "$@")" # change all file paths into urls echo "$FILEPATH" | grep -o 'site.*' | sed "s${SEPERATOR[0]}^${SITE_DIR##*/}${SEPERATOR[0]}$BASE_URL${SEPERATOR[0]}g" | $URLENCODE